EXHIBITIONS // Individual Shows
1975* Galería Proarte, Mexico City, oil on canvass & gouache
1976* El Juglar, México City, gouache & watercolor
1982* Centro Cultural de Azcapotzalco, Mexico City, gouache & watercolor
1984* Centro Cívico de Veracruz, gouache & watercolor
1987* New York Open Center, Soho, New York, oil & oil pastel
1987* La Gioconda di Giotto, Soho, New York, oil pastel
1987* Instituto Cultural Domecq, Mexico City, oil & oil pastel
1988* Galería Las Calas, Guadalajara, oil pastel
1988* Casa de la Cultura de Puebla, oil pastel
1988* Instituto Cultural Domecq, Mexico City, oil pastel
1988* The United Nations AD League, New York, oil pastel
1989* Instituto Cultural Domecq, Mexico City, oil & pastel
1990* Instituto Cultural Domecq, Mexico City, mixed media
1993* Telemundo Network, San Antonio, Texas, mixed media
1994 * Ramscale Art Associates, New York, mixed media & oil on bark paper and canvass
1996* First Peoples Gallery, Soho, New York mixed media & oil on bark paper and canvass
1999* Casa Linda, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco watercolor & mixed media
2000* Club Mundet, Mexico City, mixed media & oil on bark paper and canvass
2000* El Perro, Guadalajara, Jalisco mixed media & oil on bark paper and canvass
2000* Universidad Panamericana (campus Guadalajara), mixed media & oil on bark paper
2003* Lasécu, Lieu expositions, Lille, France, oil on bark paper and canvass
2004* SLS Third European Conference, Paris, France, oil on bark paper
2005* YorkArts Gallery, Pennsylvania, oil on bark paper and CD continue projection
2005* Beauty Arts Academy, Ljubljana, Slovenia, conference and show of original Art works
2005* University of Zagreb, Croacia, conference and show of original Art works
2006* Auberge de Sochaux, Veytoux, Switzerland, oil and mixed media on canvass and paper
2006* (from November 9, 2006 to January 31, 2007), The Museum of Beauty Arts of Litopský Mikulás, Slovakia (“Petra Michala Bohúña Liptovský Mikulás”),
mixed media on bark paper
2007* (from July to the end of October), Auberge de Sochaux, Veytoux, Switzerland, Mixed media and oil on canvass and amate
2007* (September): Kosovelov Dom, Sežana, Slovenia. Mixed media on amate
2007* (October): Ekocafét, Upsalla, Sweden. Mixed media on amate
2008* (May-June): ASON Galleri. Karlstadt, Sweden. Mixed media on amate & canvass
2010* (March-April): Rådhuset, Skövde, Sweden. Mixed media on amate
2010* (from September 21 to October 5), Celica, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Mixed media on amate
2011* (November-December) Casa Julio Cortázar, Guadalajara, Mexico.
2012* (June) Gallery and Cultural Centre of Valjevo, Serbia. Mixed media on bark paper
2013* (June-July) Cankarjev dom Cultural and Congress Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Mixed media on bark paper
2016-2017* (June, 2016-April, 2017), Cátedra Julio Cortázar, Guadalajara, México Tribute to Julio Cortázar: A hundred years after his birth. Mixed media on bark paper
2018-2019* (November-March), Aruma Café, Zapopan, Mexico. Mixed media on amate and canvas
2020* COVID Perspectives – Online Exhibition 2020. Mixed media on amate
EXHIBITIONS // Collective Shows
1987* Bienal de Primavera, New York, oil pastels
1990* La Luna, Ajijic, Mexico, mixed media
1991 1992* La Luna Descalza, Tlaquepaque, Mexico, mixed media (consignment)
1995 1996* First Peoples Gallery, New York, mixed media & oil on bark paper and canvass
1997 1998* Galería Cava, Ajijic, Mexico, charcoal, oil and mixed media
1994 2009* Ramscale Art Associates, New York, NY, oil on paper and canvass (consignment)
1998-1999 Galería Trazo, Mexico City, mixed media (consignment)
2000-2001* Gallery Nº Tre, Berlin, Germany, mixed media on bark paper
2001* AnArte Gallery, San Antonio, mixed media & oil on bark paper (consignment)
2003-2005* Lasécu, Lille, France,(consignment)
2004-2005* (from December to January), Lasécu, Lieu expositions, Lille, France, oil on bark paper and canvass
2005*(from January to April) “Off the Beaten Path” Ramscale, New York, NY, mixed media on canvass
2006* The Municipal Museum “Juan B. Castagnino” of Rosario, Argentina, oil on canvass
2007* The Arts Museum “Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez”, Santa Fe, Argentina, oil on canvass
2007-2008* (from December to January), Lasécu, Lieu Expositions Lille, France, mixed media on canvass
2010* Marsam Mattar Gallery, ‘Express Yourself in 30 X 30’ Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Pilar Álvarez, Bo Andersen, Murray Bruce, Gail Bruce, Robert E. Cleary, Carlos Cordero, Mads & Guadalupe Engelstoft, Luc Laly, Joan M McKirachan, Alín Martínez, Franc Menusan, Joe Lienau, Emmanuel Nixon, Patrick Poulain, Ellen Reznick, Ann R. Rockefeller, Leonardo Rossiello, Allen Spanjer, Robert Stang, Rev.Betsy Stang, Juan Zund
Martha Aponte, Alfonso Bonilla, Baldomero Bustamante, Sergio Cruz, Héctor de la Barreda, Eduardo del Toro, Mercedes Galván, Hammour Gayosso, Chabelita Hernández, Mario Lázzeri, Alín Martínez, Oswaldo Mendoza, Noemí Quezada, Toña Quintero, Harriet Quint, Graciela Schultz, Luis Alfonso Villaseñor, Enriqueta Villaseñor, Robert Wallace, Ricardo Washington, Dulce María Zúñiga
SOME PRIVATE COLLECTORS // Corporations and Organizations
Club Mundet, Domecq, Petróleos Mexicanos, The Musa Heritage Gallery (Mus’Art) Kumbo, Cameroon, The Museum Petra Michala Bohúña Liptovský Mikulás, Slovakia, The Sackler Foundation (two pieces selected for the American Indian Ritual Object Repatriation Foundation), Telemundo Network, Universidad de Guadalajara, York Arts Cultural Center, Pensilvania, USA