Exhibition in Aruma
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México 2018-2019
The cosmogonic myth of Quetzalcoatl is fascinating and deeply mystical. It interweaves with the mission of pre-Columbian artists, because it reveals the importance that reached aesthetics in the civilizing horizon of the early cultures of Mesoamerica. Therefore, the path of the so-called true artist is a complex historical phenomenon. A path that involves an arduous, long and initiatory process that involves going a long way to become an exceptional being with the possibility of merging the wisdom of the teacher, the world, nature and self-knowledge. What it meant to have to cross various thresholds before becoming a genuine architect. A transfigured human being of high spiritual development able to dialogue with God and himself, a kind of shaman with enough power to transmute the word or matter.
This sample is a modest pictorial offering that seeks to celebrate that priceless heritage that contemporary Mexican artists should not forget, recognizing that Quetzalcoatl is the feathered serpent bringing luminosity and colors present in their feathers to our lives and that, like Venus, never touches the ground on its daily flight as the morning star and star of twilight.
In its orbital displacement, Venus enjoys the double condition that this exhibition aspires to remember in the heart of the spectators as co-creators, the one that alludes to the human, in its attempt to overcome its own limitations and the one that has to do with the sacred, the divine, like the star does it periodically when it melts in the light, that is it lines in the sun.